Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Buy Antique Jewelry,Do Not Be Fooled!

In a few clicks of the mouse in the jewelry category Jpearls and you're faced with a growing array of jewelry confused "rare" real "scaffolding" genuine antiques section, which probably fell on the back of a factory Indian.

But how to distinguish good from evil, new for old, true and false, the magic of the bong, etc..? Here are some tips from one of the jewels of the old vendor is best to avoid the same tarred brush cheat:

Read the text carefully: common phrases to watch are vintage inspired "and" old style ", which usually means they are almost as old as the latest addition to Hugh Hefner. Currently, there are at least two vendors online success that advertise their jewelry worldwide in the category of genuine antiques "under headlines such as" scarce goods "or jewels" real English. It takes careful reading to identify 'old / Victoria "present rate, despite the attraction of the parties, however, means that are entirely new. A short email to each vendor confirmed. Gold filled rolled gold," " FM "," GP "and also means that the article is of massive gold, but still could be an antique. "Competition" is another term used for fake precious stones such as diamonds, it is unlikely that the content of b in the old Authentic jewelry.

View seller's other items: If you sell a lot of eerily similar items that you have taken a shine it is unlikely that single piece of that period should be.

Check the location of the item: If it's Thailand so chances are it will not be a priceless Lalique. Remember, if the item is located overseas, you run a greater risk of it being lost or damaged in the mail. Moreover, according to which country he comes from, you will not be able to get a refund if you are not satisfied with it.

If the seller offers a return? If a product proves to be not as described, you should have the right to return the refund anyway. But if they provide a cooling-off period after the course, not only wants to maintain good relations with customers, but are likely to be reasonably sure that you can be happy with the purchase

But above all, to review the legitimacy of the seller: Look at the details of the feedback - are essentially the buyer or the seller's feedback? If you are not a lot of feedback may be because the seller on eBay has not been established for a long time. This may mean that they had to start over with a new eBay account dubious reasons, or it could simply mean that this is a new company - when they want to get a good feedback score. If you look like the link to their website, then, even if not yet set up business, at least have nothing to hide.

Send the seller, if you are not sure yet: I was asked Jpearls gives a detailed description of their products for sale. So ask the seller to the age of the piece is whether the scratches or defects, whether stones or pearls are real or simulated, if the signs (even if many antique furniture is not characterized) and, if not, tell us how that the subject is also said that it is.

Upon receipt of the question, if he learns that the seller has cheated you, or the issue is not as described in the list, you have the right to return. Always remember that this could be an honest mistake by the seller may be mortified by the prospect of receiving a bad evaluation and provide a full refund immediately if the first contact. However, if the answer is somewhat elusive, of course, you can report to eBay.

Buy antique jewelry on eBay is like a complete minefield. The bad news is - is. The good news is, however, it can be fun. Not only can you find the type of market you will not find in a brick and mortar store and look at their own pace without rushing to breathe seller that.

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